IEEE International Conference on Communications
28 May – 01 June 2023 // Rome, Italy
Sustainable Communications for Renaissance


Invited Keynote Speakers    


- Peiying Zhu (TBD)

Peiying Zhu (FIEEE), Senior Vice President of Wireless Research, is a Huawei Fellow, IEEE Fellow and Fellow of Canadian Academy of Engineering. She is currently leading 5G and beyond wireless research and standardization in Huawei. She is actively involved in 3GPP and IEEE 802 standards development. She served as the guest editor for IEEE Signal Processing Magazine. Prior to joining Huawei in 2009, Peiying was a Nortel Fellow and Director of Advanced Wireless Access Technology in the Nortel Wireless Technology Lab. She led the team and pioneered research and prototyping on MIMO-OFDM and Multi-hop relay. Many of these technologies developed by the team have been adopted into LTE standards and 4G products. Dr. Zhu has more than 200 granted patents.


- Marco Lops

Marco Lops (FIEEE) is currently a Professor with the University Federico II of Naples, Italy. He has authored or coauthored more than 90 scientific papers published on refereed journals. His research interests include detection and estimation, with emphasis on communications and radar signal processing. During 2009-2015, he served two terms in the Sensor Array and Multichannel Signal Processing Technical Committee (SAM). He was an Associate Editor for the Journal of Communications and Networks, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, IEEE Signal Processing Letters, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, and is currently a Senior Area Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing. He was the co-recipientof the 2014 Best Paper Award from the Journal of Communications and Networks. He was selected to serve as a Distinguished Lecturer for the Signal Processing Society.

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